Honors Application - Current Student - Form

Academic and Extracurricular Resume / Essay

Please submit a 500-word essay and a copy of your updated resumé that contains any extracurricular activities, community service and leadership experience.

Essay Prompt:
500-word essay developing my ideas about ONE of these topics (PDF document preferred):
  • Pick one creative work - a book, film, play, graphic novel, TV show, painting, song - any piece of artistic expression that changed your life. Did it alter how you see the world or other people? Help you understand yourself better? Make you want to follow in that artist's footsteps? Something else? Explore its effect on you.
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
My updated resumé that contains my extracurricular activities, community service and leadership experience.
  • Note for Resumé Uploads: Please name your file "Full Name - Honors Application." PDF document format preferred.
Email your essay and resume to:
  • California:  brooks_s@pennwest.edu
  • Clarion:      jlyle@pennwest.edu
  • Edinboro:   lbarbian@pennwest.edu